I understand the point you're going with but tbh don't think this is the direction we should take, esp on the video side.

Like we discussed over the call, its not just about onboarding of users to apps, its much more than just that. Onboarding is a feature not the product. We are changing apps and crypto as people experience it today

Another reason why this storyline doesn't work is that this whole onboarding problem/multi-chain problem is something that 100s of other cross-chain projects have been talking about since 3 yrs (we're one of those). Check the below out for ex

Most people will just assume you're one of these cross-chain solutions and won't even be willing to hear/understand why its not that. Their brains are so saturated of listening to the same problem and 100 solutions to it which are almost similar.

I am sure you've experienced this in all the calls you've been taking as well (we've experienced this countless times)

It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for us to position this right- to make sure from the get go this is a completely new thing, its not like anything they've seen before. Its not about apps here its about the ideal UX in general.

Its ofc possible for apps/wallets to make this a part of their flows but thats not the point. That's important when we're doing sales not marketing. Marketing is about attracting them, making them curious and pulling them.

From a marketing pov i think its imp to lay out the lay of the land rn:

Imho everything dev/app related should focus on the latter part with content. To further expand on this, I think we should cover these topics specifically over those 2 weeks:

For the launch however, I'd suggest on only one goal: generate enough noise so that users, founders, product apps, users, investors everyone pays attention. They NEED to think "fuck.. this is not like anything i've ever seen"

Since video is the first touch point, we need a completely different perspective to the video that hooks then and takes them to the demo rather than trying to sell them something. It’s almost like bringing Solana UX to Ethereum and we need to ensure those things are conveyed as well as possible

Suggested Messaging:

use ethereum as one:

introducing magic accounts

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